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Data Charts for Noggin Yakker


Listing All Accepted Entries for Noggin Yakker (most recent on top)

Species Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
Trout thumbRainbow Trout 12.25
(98.0 pts)
December 31, 2010 12.25 inch rainbow thumb   This small upgrade was caught at a small lake near where Roy (CBY) lives. Show
Surfperch thumbSurf Perch 11.875
(154.375 pts)
December 31, 2010 11.875 inch perch thumb   Caught at Roy's (CBY) "new super secret Perch spot" Show
Steelhead thumbSteelhead 32.5
(195.0 pts)
October 30, 2010    It started pouring right after I netted this buck. After confirming that he was longer than the trough, making it pointless to take measurement photos, I put him on ice in the catch bag, and my camera went back into the dry bag. During the rest of the drift I picked up 3 more, all hens, including the one shown in image 3. Show
Cutthroat thumbCutthroat Trout 14.75
(125.375 pts)
September 14, 2010 Img 0202 thumb Img 0204 thumb  Finally got a couple hours to fish last night. Was having fun catching perch on a mini-jig when this cutthroat joined in on the fun. Show
Yellowperch thumbYellow Perch 11.0
(148.5 pts)
September 14, 2010 Img 0205 thumb Img 0207 thumb  Another very small upgrade. Caught on a yellow/white mini-jig Show
Yellowperch thumbYellow Perch 10.25
(138.375 pts)
May 23, 2010 Img 0193 thumb Img 0196 thumb  A small upgrade. NOTE: The first photo appeared to show 10.5 inches, but it also looked to me like the fish wasn't touching the end of the measuring device. This was confirmed (and corrected) when I re-measured right before filleting. btw, last night's fish tacos were most excellent! Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 19.75
(187.625 pts)
May 19, 2010   Dsc 0584 cropped 700w thumb Got this one at a lake I'd never been to before. The wind was wicked and a couple of squalls pounded me with hail and rain. Thankfully there was no lightning! Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 17.125
(162.6875 pts)
May 15, 2010 Img 0192 thumb Img 0187 700h thumb  Figured out a pattern at Leader Lake for some bigger largemouths, including this one that's just barely over the slot. Normally it's quantity over quality at Leader, so it was cool to catch a few that were bigger than the typical ten to twelve inchers. Show
Trout thumbRainbow Trout 10.75
(86.0 pts)
April 24, 2010    C&R'd this little guy on a brown wooly bugger at Pearrygin. Decided to call it a day when 4 dudes in a 20' PB parked right in the middle of the short little drift I was working. Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass 20.5
(205.0 pts)
April 10, 2010  Dsc 0409 cropped 1000w thumb Dsc 0410 cropped 1000w thumb This was not only the first fish of the day, it was the first fish in my new yak! During the next 2-1/2 hours I C&R'd five more as follows: 20", 16", 18", and two 19". It was easily my best day of bass fishing (for either species) from a kayak! This week doesn't look as busy as the previous few weeks, so I'll post a detailed report soon. Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass 19.0
(190.0 pts)
March 27, 2010 Dsc 0376 cropped resized thumb   While this is a nice one (my personal best), it pales when compared to the insane pig that EOB nailed earlier this month! Show
Panfish thumbPanfish 9.75
(136.5 pts)
March 25, 2010    Caught this little guy at Lake Fernan, near CDL, ID. Plan on writing a trip report tonight. Show
Steelhead thumbSteelhead 27.0
(162.0 pts)
February 13, 2010    Not the 30+ incher I was hoping for, but this one filled my four fish limit so I'm not complaining! Show
Coho thumbCoho 28.25
(169.5 pts)
November 01, 2009  Vanity shot thumb  Nice coho from Oakland Bay today. Thanks for the invite Bryce! Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass 14.5
(145.0 pts)
October 17, 2009    Small upgrade - caught on a Yamamoto grub on a 1/8th oz jighead. Show
Steelhead thumbSteelhead 30.0
(180.0 pts)
October 17, 2009    Landed this one right after releasing a nate that was 5 or 6 inches larger. While the nate was a speed demon and spent a lot of time airborne, this hatchery fish stayed deep and never jumped. Strong fish though! Report to follow within a couple days. Show
Coho thumbCoho 23.5
(141.0 pts)
September 15, 2009 River pink thumb   Only a slight upgrade... Show
Coho thumbCoho 22.0
(132.0 pts)
September 08, 2009 0628 pink 9 8 09 thumb 0628 detail thumb  Lately I've been spending most of my fishing time taking friends and family out in my PB. Late yesterday I finally got to spend a couple evening hours in the yak on the salt. Didn't get the big male I was looking for, but still had a blast! Show
Panfish thumbPanfish 10.0
(140.0 pts)
July 05, 2009 10inch crappie thumb 10inch crappie tail closeup thumb Evening catch2 thumb Kept 5 nice nine to ten inch crappie Sunday evening before a thunder storm forced me off the water. Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 19.0
(152.0 pts)
June 14, 2009 19inch black rockfish thumb   Caught on a black back/white belly sassy shad with a 1/4 ounce jig head. Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 24.0
(120.0 pts)
June 13, 2009 Karl 018 thumb Karl 019 thumb  Caught while fishing outside of Sunset Bay with CBY and my son, Ryan. Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass 13.5
(135.0 pts)
June 12, 2009 Umpqua smallie1 thumb Umpqua smallie2 thumb  This decent smallie hit a dark green grub on an 1/8th ounce jighead. Show
Sturgeon thumbSturgeon 44.0
(165.0 pts)
June 05, 2009 44inches loa thumb Aft detail thumb Keeper at home thumb Bryce (Zee)witnessed and can verify the 44 inch measurement. It was an amazing day! Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 14.75
(118.0 pts)
May 09, 2009 14 and 3 4ths cabezon1 thumb 14 and 3 4ths cabezon1b thumb 14 and 3 4ths cabezon2 thumb Show
Trout thumbRainbow Trout 14.75
(118.0 pts)
May 02, 2009 14 and 3 4ths trout thumb   I was trying to catch bluegill & crappie for fish tacos. Ended up with only 4 bluegill, but mostly because the trout loved the marabou jig I was using. I landed over 20 trout (kept 5, including this beat up specimen). Show
Panfish thumbPanfish 8.0
(112.0 pts)
May 02, 2009 8inch bluegill thumb   Nothing to brag about, but worth a few points nonetheless... Caught on a 1/32nd ounce marabou jig - red head, chartreuse body, white tail Show
Trout thumbRainbow Trout 12.0
(96.0 pts)
April 10, 2009 12inch brown thumb   Caught this little brown at Lake Martha on a Dave's Green Thing. I only got one photo before this little gymnast backflipped back into the lake... Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 20.5
(194.75 pts)
April 04, 2009 Terrell lm1 thumb Detail view thumb Terrell lm release thumb A great day on Lake Terrell with 'Yak Monkey and yessnoo was made even better by this mother hen! Caught on an 8", carolina rigged, motor oil color, plastic worm. Show
