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Data Charts for yaktrap


Listing All Accepted Entries for yaktrap (most recent on top)

Species Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
Trout thumbRainbow Trout 24.0
(192.0 pts)
February 26, 2017 Rbt 24.0 full 022617 thumb Rbt 24.0 tail 022617 thumb Rbt 24.0 boat 022617 thumb A big rainbow to go with my big mama bass which has been pending approval for nearly 2 weeks. Show
Trout thumbRainbow Trout 25.5
(204.0 pts)
December 11, 2015 Rbt 25.5 boat 121115 thumb Rbt 25.5 full 121115 thumb Rbt 25.5 tail 121115 thumb Fat end of the year stocker to put it over the 2k threshold Show
Trout thumbRainbow Trout 28.0
(224.0 pts)
December 11, 2015 Rbt 28 resized boat 121215 thumb Rbt 28 full 121215 thumb Rbt 28 tail 121215 thumb Might be my last upgrade...maybe. We're certainly past the 2 min warning. Tick Tock Tick Tock. Show
Chum thumbChum 33.5
(201.0 pts)
November 08, 2015 Chum boat 110815 thumb Chum 33.5 110815 thumb Chum 33.5 tail 110815 thumb Perfect conditions today, unlike derby day Show
Walleye thumbWalleye 28.0
(210.0 pts)
September 22, 2015 Walleye 28.0 092215 thumb Walleye tail 28.0 092215 thumb Walleye boat 28.0 092215 thumb Nice points bump puts 2k within reach Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 29.0
(232.0 pts)
September 12, 2015 Cab boat 29.0 091215 thumb Cab 29.0 091215 thumb Cab tail 29.0 091215 thumb Big swell day, just north of Strawberry Rock. Only caught this one fish all day. First Cabby in 2 years. And ain't it a bruiser. Show
Surfperch thumbSurf Perch 15.0
(195.0 pts)
September 11, 2015 Sp boat 091115 thumb Sp 15.0 091115 thumb Sp tail 15.0 091115 thumb Maybe the last visit to Tatoosh this year for me. Got it in east bay 15 feet in the center of the kelp bed. Show
Surfperch thumbSurf Perch 14.25
(185.25 pts)
September 08, 2015 Sp boat 14.25 090815 thumb Sp 14.25 tail 090815 thumb Sp 14.25 full 090815 thumb Micro upgrade Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 15.75
(173.25 pts)
September 05, 2015 Green tail 15.75 090515 thumb Green 090515 thumb Green 15.75 full 090515 thumb Not so big this year, but a small points bump Show
Catfish thumbCatfish 15.25
(99.125 pts)
August 28, 2015 Catfish 15.25 082815 thumb Catfish tail 15.25 082815 thumb  Cat comes last #10 FW species. This closes out all available FW species for WA for me. Show
Pink thumbPink Salmon 21.75
(163.125 pts)
August 20, 2015 Pink 21.75 082015 thumb Pink tail 21.75 082015 thumb  small bump Show
Coho thumbCoho 29.0
(174.0 pts)
August 07, 2015 Coho 29.0 080715 thumb Coho tail 29.0 080715 thumb Coho splash thumb Lost a beastly King on this day, this one came around later in the day. 5 nm west of westport Show
Pink thumbPink Salmon 21.25
(159.375 pts)
August 04, 2015 Pink 21.25 080415 thumb Pink tail 21.25 080415 thumb  ...and the long line of upgrade pinks begins Show
Coho thumbCoho 26.5
(159.0 pts)
August 02, 2015 Coho boat 080215 thumb Coho 26.5 080215 thumb Coho tail 26.5 080215 thumb Deep in the swirling boiling water where the PBs don't dare go and the Coho stack up like cord wood Show
King thumbChinook 37.5
(187.5 pts)
July 17, 2015 King lap thumb King 37.5 071715 thumb King tail 37.5 071715 thumb West edge of table top reef 12 nm west of Hobuck 45 min battle. Long days offshore in big seas Show
Pink thumbPink Salmon 19.5
(146.25 pts)
July 17, 2015 Pink 19.5 071715 thumb Pink tail 19.5 071715 thumb  CnR many of these on this weekend and most were larger than this. Just tossing in the first. Show
Sockeye thumbSockeye 21.0
(147.0 pts)
July 12, 2015 Sockeye 21.0 071215 thumb Sockeye tail 21.0 071215 thumb  Dirty socks from the mud puddle that is Brewster Show
Kokanee thumbKokanee 17.5
(192.5 pts)
May 24, 2015 Kok 17.5 052515 thumb Kok tail 17.5 052515 thumb Kok stringer thumb Slaying the Silver Salmon Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 14.25
(156.75 pts)
May 18, 2015 Gl 14.25 051715 thumb Gl tail 14.25 051715 thumb  chewed on by that ling. They make great bait. Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 28.5
(142.5 pts)
May 17, 2015 Ling 28.5 051715 thumb Ling tail 28.5 051715 thumb Ling tatoosh cove thumb Day after halibut and late night party, paddle to Tatoosh! Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 18.25
(146.0 pts)
May 17, 2015 Rf 18.25 51715 thumb Rf tail 18.25 051715 thumb  My rock fish effort Show
Halibut thumbHalibut 38.5
(163.625 pts)
May 16, 2015 All five thumb Halibut 38.5 051715 thumb Halibut tail 38.5 051615 thumb Round up of previous AOTY winners = pile of big butts! Show
Flounder thumbFlounder 13.5
(108.0 pts)
April 26, 2015 Flounder tail 13.5 042615 thumb Flounder 13.5 042615 thumb  My flounder effort Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 20.0
(190.0 pts)
April 18, 2015 Lmb boat 20.0 041815 thumb Lmb 20.0 041815 thumb Lmb tail 20.0 041815 thumb #9 FW species. My PB largie from the same local puddle I got my biggest in 2013 and 2014. Same fish? Show
Surfperch thumbSurf Perch 14.0
(182.0 pts)
March 10, 2015 Sp 14.0 031015 thumb Sp tail 14 031015 thumb Jetty fish thumb No need for trip to the coast when they're just down the street Show
Cutthroat thumbCutthroat Trout 22.75
(193.375 pts)
February 25, 2015 Cutty 22.75 022515 thumb Cutty tail 22.75 022515 thumb  Hit Omak before Mar-June closure this year thx to freaky warm weather. Show
Kokanee thumbKokanee 12.0
(132.0 pts)
February 22, 2015 Koke 12.0 022215 thumb Koke tail 12.0 02221 thumb  #5 FW Mountain Koke at Lake Cle Elum, just a bit larger than Lake WA Kokes Show
Laketrout thumbLake Trout 28.0
(168.0 pts)
February 22, 2015 Mac on deck thumb Mac 28.0 022215 thumb Mac 28.0 tail 022215 thumb #8 FW took my dick nite spoon with 6 pound test at 20' in 325 fow, and they say Macs don't fight...try catching them on light trout gear. Show
Cutthroat thumbCutthroat Trout 13.75
(116.875 pts)
February 21, 2015 Cutty 13.75 022115 thumb Cutty tail 13.75 022115 thumb  #6 FW fish dink cutty Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass 18.5
(185.0 pts)
February 21, 2015 Smb donkey thumb Smb boat 18.5 022115 thumb Smb tail 18.5 022115 thumb #7 FW fish cold weather SMB on lake WA Show
Kokanee thumbKokanee 11.5
(126.5 pts)
February 17, 2015 Koke back deck thumb Koke boat 11.5 021715 thumb Koke tail 11.5 021715 thumb Lake WA Kokes on the bite. Bound to grow with better plankton conditions this warm sunny spring. Show
Walleye thumbWalleye 23.25
(174.375 pts)
February 08, 2015 Walleye tail 23.25 020815 thumb Walleye 23.25 020815 thumb Walleye boat thumb Hit Potholes with Ray, Graham and Leo. Fairly slow until the sun went down then filled up the stringer. Show
Trout thumbRainbow Trout 20.0
(160.0 pts)
February 07, 2015 Rbt tail 20.0 020715 thumb Rbt 20.0 020715 thumb Rbt 20.0 boat 020715 thumb Love RW 'bows...they taste like bacon! Show
Walleye thumbWalleye 21.5
(161.25 pts)
February 03, 2015 Walleye tail 21.5 020315 thumb Walleye 21.5 020315 thumb Walleye boat 21.5 020315 thumb Couple of degrees above freezing and a long way out Show
Yellowperch thumbYellow Perch 12.25
(165.375 pts)
February 03, 2015 Yp tail 12.25 020315 thumb Yp 12.25 020315 thumb  Walleye by-catch Show
Steelhead thumbSteelhead 33.5
(201.0 pts)
January 01, 2015 Steel 33.5 boat 010115 thumb Steel 33.5 010115 thumb Steel tail 33.5 010115 thumb New Years Day Steelie, nice start to the year. Show
Cutthroat thumbCutthroat Trout 20.25
(172.125 pts)
November 30, 2014 Cutty boat 20.25 113014 thumb Cutty 20.25 113014 thumb Cutty 20.25 tail 113014 thumb micro upgrades this time of year big cuts still shy this fall on lake WA Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass 21.5
(215.0 pts)
November 06, 2014 Smb 21.5 boat 110614 thumb Smb 21.5 full 110614 thumb Smb 21.5 tail 110614 thumb Walleye by-catch Show
Walleye thumbWalleye 21.75
(163.125 pts)
November 06, 2014 Walleye 1 thumb Walleye 21.75 full 110614 thumb Walleye 21.75 tail 110714 thumb Fall walleyes Show
Walleye thumbWalleye 21.0
(157.5 pts)
October 29, 2014 Walleye 21.0 102914 thumb Walleye tail 21.0 102914 thumb P1050468 thumb Meat trip to Pot Holes non stop action Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass 19.5
(195.0 pts)
October 17, 2014 Smb 19.5 101714 thumb Smb belly thumb Smb 19.5 tail 101714 thumb Late fall bass bite at the East Channel. Water temp 63f still too warm for trout Show
Coho thumbCoho 30.0
(180.0 pts)
September 10, 2014 Coho 30.0 091014 thumb Coho tail 30.0 091014 thumb Coho hen and buck 091014 thumb One day run to the coast with Lee. Took a while for the bite but worth it. Show
Yellowperch thumbYellow Perch 12.0
(162.0 pts)
August 19, 2014 Perch boat 12.0 081914 thumb Perch 12.0 081914 thumb  One for the pan fish category. Show
Halibut thumbHalibut 30.0
(127.5 pts)
August 11, 2014 Halibut 30.0 081114 thumb Halibut boat 30.0 081114 thumb Halibut tail 30.0 081114 thumb No upgrade, just my first AK but and a tasty memory Show
Chum thumbChum 33.5
(201.0 pts)
August 09, 2014 Chum 33.5 080914 thumb Chum 33.5 tail 080914 thumb  AK trip 2014 Show
Pink thumbPink Salmon 24.5
(183.75 pts)
August 07, 2014 Pink 24.5 080714 thumb Pink tail 24.5 080714 thumb  AK trip 2014 Show
Sockeye thumbSockeye 26.5
(185.5 pts)
August 05, 2014 Sockeye 26.5 080514 thumb Sockeye tail 26.5 080514 thumb  AK trip 2014 Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 17.5
(166.25 pts)
July 03, 2014 Lmb 17.5 070314 thumb Lmb boat 070314 thumb  Local puddle for a few minutes this morning. The sunny weather over the past few days has helped the bass bite. Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass 18.5
(185.0 pts)
June 02, 2014 Smb 18.5 tail 060214 thumb Smb 18.5 060214 thumb Smb water shot 18.5 060214 thumb Sunny day on big Lake Roosevelt and some great fishing too. Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 16.5
(156.75 pts)
June 01, 2014 Lmb 16.5 060114 thumb Lmb tail 16.5 060114 thumb  Great evening of catching bucket mouths with Brad and M2S. Show
Halibut thumbHalibut 51.5
(218.875 pts)
May 24, 2014 Halibut full 51.5 052414 thumb Halibut head 51.5 052414 thumb Halibut tail 51.5 052414 thumb Last one off the water on last day of the season. Hit 2 oz lead head jig with 20 pound test. Up in minutes but the fun started when I stuck in the harpoon. It was a great, although short season and nobody got hurt thankfully. Next year bigger and better! Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 30.0
(150.0 pts)
May 17, 2014 Ling onboard 30.0 051714 thumb Ling tail 30.0 051714 thumb Ling 30.0 051714 thumb Ling from the caves of the cape Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 17.0
(187.0 pts)
May 15, 2014 Green 17.0 051514 thumb Green tail 17.0 051514 thumb Green onboard 17.0 051514 thumb Same Tatoosh Island cove that I got my best WA greenling during 2012 and 2013. Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 21.0
(168.0 pts)
May 14, 2014 Rf onboard 051514 thumb Rf 21.0 051514 thumb Rf 21.0 tail 051514 thumb Good week for these out there. Lots of big ones this year. Show
Flounder thumbFlounder 14.25
(114.0 pts)
May 14, 2014 Dab 14.5 051414 thumb Dab tail 14.5 041415 thumb  PB sharpnose sanddab. Show
Kokanee thumbKokanee 15.5
(170.5 pts)
May 08, 2014 Koke 15.5 tail 050814 thumb Koke 15.5 050814 thumb Secret lake thumb I hope nobody figures out where I caught this one. It's and all-American secret ;) Show
Walleye thumbWalleye 18.0
(135.0 pts)
April 06, 2014 Wall 18.0 040614 thumb Wall boat thumb Wall tail 040614 thumb A Small-eye upgrade. Yes, a dinky fish but I like the taste. Show
Walleye thumbWalleye 15.75
(118.125 pts)
March 23, 2014 Walleye 032314 thumb Walleye tail 032314 thumb Walleye boat thumb Joined the glitter boat crowds at Potholes for the early season walleye bite. Show
Cutthroat thumbCutthroat Trout 20.0
(170.0 pts)
February 26, 2014 20 cutty on deck thumb Cutty 20.0 022614 thumb Cutty 20.0 tail 022614 thumb First decent Lake WA cutty of the year, it gets a mention and a place on my grill. Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass 16.5
(165.0 pts)
January 21, 2014 Smallie onboard thumb Smb 16.5 tail 012114 thumb Smb 16.5 012114 thumb First smallie on Lake Washington this year. Will upgrade it later. Show
Trout thumbRainbow Trout 25.0
(200.0 pts)
January 07, 2014 Rbt 25.0 on board thumb Rbt 25.0 full thumb Rbt 25.0 tail thumb Rufus Woods football. Worth a cold day of fishing. Show
Chum thumbChum 33.0
(198.0 pts)
November 10, 2013 Chum 33.0625 111013 thumb Chum 33.0625 tail 111013 thumb Chum jackson kayak thumb 3rd place Slayride Derby. Rounded it down that 1/16th to 33" for nice round numbers. Probably my last upgrade for the year. Show
Kokanee thumbKokanee 16.5
(181.5 pts)
October 17, 2013 Koke 16.5 101713 thumb   Couple of points Show
Pink thumbPink Salmon 27.25
(204.375 pts)
October 05, 2013 Pink 27.25 tail 100513 thumb Pink 27.25 boated 100513 thumb Pink 27.25 100513 thumb Found a bigger humpy today. Show
Pink thumbPink Salmon 26.25
(196.875 pts)
September 27, 2013 Pink 26.25 092713 thumb Pink 26.25 tail 092713 thumb  Had to catch about 50 of these to get one of decent size. Show
Yellowperch thumbYellow Perch 12.75
(172.125 pts)
September 12, 2013 Yp 12.75 091213 thumb Yp 12.75 tail 091213 thumb  My PB yellow perch, a 165 point fish that won't be good enough to make my ten this year. Show
Coho thumbCoho 29.75
(178.5 pts)
September 08, 2013 Coho 29.75 tail 090813 thumb Coho 29.75 full 090813 thumb Coho 29.75 boat 090813 thumb Nice fish to break the 2k points barrier with. Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 38.0
(190.0 pts)
August 06, 2013 Ling 38.0 080613 thumb Ling 38.0 head 080613 thumb Ling 38.0 tail 080613 thumb North of Ketchikan 15 miles Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 20.25
(162.0 pts)
August 04, 2013 Rf 20.25 080413 thumb Rf 20.25 tail 080413 thumb  Yelloweye is legal take in SE Alaska. Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 20.0
(220.0 pts)
August 01, 2013 Gl 20.0 080113 thumb Gl 20.0 close mouth 080113 thumb  New record largest kayak caught Greenling. Caught about half way between Petersberg and Ketchikan on 9-day solo trip. Show
Pink thumbPink Salmon 23.25
(174.375 pts)
July 30, 2013 Pink 23.25 073013 thumb Pink 23.25 tail 073013 thumb  Paddled thru millions of these fish during my 9-day trip in the inside passage. Surprising that one didn't jump into my kayak. Show
Sockeye thumbSockeye 28.75
(201.25 pts)
July 15, 2013 Sock 28.75 071513 thumb Sock 28.75 tail 071513 thumb Socks on baker 071513 thumb Ran into Rory out there this morning, kayaks limited today. And another 200+ fish! Show
Coho thumbCoho 26.0
(156.0 pts)
July 03, 2013 Coho 26.125 070313 thumb Coho 26.125 tail 070313 thumb  I figured the Coho run should be met with a greeting party this year, so I pushed westward. Show
Surfperch thumbSurf Perch 14.25
(185.25 pts)
July 02, 2013 Sp 14.25 070213 thumb Sp 14.25 tail 070213 thumb Sp cove tat island 070213 thumb My favorite Tatoosh Island cove kicks out some more points! Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 16.5
(156.75 pts)
June 21, 2013 Local puddle toad thumb Lmb 16.5 062113 thumb  Hit my crank bait yesterday, followed several offerings, finally took my whacky rig plastic today. Tough fish to get in the local puddle. She swam away grumpy. Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass 19.875
(198.75 pts)
June 19, 2013 Smb 19.875 061913 thumb Smb 19.875 tail 061913 thumb  Oh so close to being my fourth 200 pt fish of the year. Good thing it's still bass season. Show
Cutthroat thumbCutthroat Trout 26.75
(227.375 pts)
June 03, 2013 Big cutty thumb Cutty 26.75 omak 060313 thumb Cutty 26.75 tail omak 060313 thumb Kayak fishing largest cutthroat trout ever recorded. Pursued for days, finally came after 125 nm of trolling. Records are for breaking. Tight Lines and best of luck. Show
Kokanee thumbKokanee 15.0
(165.0 pts)
May 17, 2013 Kok 15.0 051713 thumb Kok 15.0 tail 051713 thumb  upgrade Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 25.25
(202.0 pts)
May 11, 2013 Cab 25.25 051113 thumb Cab 25.25 tail 051113 thumb Empty camp thumb Where'd every body go? It's only rain and wind. Show
Walleye thumbWalleye 18.25
(136.875 pts)
May 03, 2013 Wall 18.25 050213 thumb Wall 18.25 tail 050213 thumb Walleye on thumb Just a handful of these for two long days of fishing. Easy to catch, hard to find. Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 23.0
(184.0 pts)
April 22, 2013 Cab 23.0 nb 042213 thumb Cab 23.0 tail nb 042213 thumb  Just trying to keep up with BB, dude is closing in on me fast Show
Steelhead thumbSteelhead 37.0
(222.0 pts)
March 17, 2013 Steel 37.0 sol duc 031713 thumb Steel lap dance 031713 thumb Wild steel 031713 thumb No regrets on running the Sol Duc River in the rain, hail and high water on this day. Thank you St. Patrick. Show
Trout thumbRainbow Trout 20.0
(160.0 pts)
March 11, 2013 Rbt on deck 031113 thumb Rbt 20.0 031113 thumb Rbt 20.0 tail 031113 thumb Upgrade by 1/4", worth it? Yes, just to hear BB's reaction. Remember 20 is the upper limit in Lk WA! Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass 18.5
(185.0 pts)
March 11, 2013 Smb 18.5 boat 031113 thumb Smb lk wa 031113 thumb Smb 18.5 beach 031113 thumb When you get done with the spa treatment BB, I'll show you how to get the big toads. Show
Kokanee thumbKokanee 13.0
(143.0 pts)
February 24, 2013 Koke 13.0 022413 thumb Squally koke day 022313 thumb  A bit early in the year. The weather was not nice to us. Show
Cutthroat thumbCutthroat Trout 21.5
(182.75 pts)
February 08, 2013 Cutt 21.5 lk wa 020813 thumb Cutt tail 21.5 lk wa 020813 thumb Dual cutties thumb 3.6 lb buck and 2.4 lb hen 20 minutes apart, will be a tough upgrade from here. My $ is on Brad to post bigger cutty. Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass 14.75
(147.5 pts)
February 02, 2013 Smb 14.75 lkwa 020213 thumb Smb 14.75 tail lkwa 020213 thumb Smb lkwa 020213 thumb Meal-size SMB, too tasty for it's own good. Show
Cutthroat thumbCutthroat Trout 15.0
(127.5 pts)
January 22, 2013 Cutt 15.0 lkwa 012213 thumb Cutt 15.0 tail lkwa 012213 thumb 3 cutt day thumb Certain to upgrade, but not a bad start. I do love trout. Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass 19.0
(190.0 pts)
December 21, 2012 Smb lk wa boat 19.0 122112 thumb Smb lk wa 19.0 tail 122112 thumb Smb lk wa 19.0 122112 thumb Out for Cuts, again...then whamo. The hits just keep coming. Happy end of the world day! Show
Cutthroat thumbCutthroat Trout 18.75
(159.375 pts)
December 01, 2012 Cut 18.75 121012 thumb Cut 18.75 tail 120112 thumb Cutty 18.75 bb image 120112 thumb couple pts more, blowing a gale today, pics by BallardBrad Show
Chum thumbChum 31.75
(190.5 pts)
November 06, 2012 Chum 31.75 110612 thumb Chum tail 31.75 110612 thumb  South of Hoodsport area Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass 15.75
(157.5 pts)
September 25, 2012 Smb 15.75 lw 092512 thumb Smb tail 15.75 lw 092512 thumb  Lk Washington chubby, one of many Show
Coho thumbCoho 29.25
(175.5 pts)
September 19, 2012 Coho 29.25 091912 thumb Coho 29.25 tail 091912 thumb Cohobeached 091912 thumb Chovie in green helmet, deep six, 8" green flasher at last channel marker Show
Surfperch thumbSurf Perch 14.5
(188.5 pts)
September 05, 2012 Sp pile 14.5 090512 thumb Sp pile 14.5 tail 090512 thumb  Also jetty fish Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 31.0
(155.0 pts)
September 01, 2012 Ling onboard 31.0 tatoosh 090112 thumb Ling 31.0 tatoosh 090112 thumb Ling tail 31.0 tatoosh 090112 thumb About as big as it get for me this year in the Ling dept. Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 17.0
(187.0 pts)
September 01, 2012 Greenling tatoosh 090112 thumb Greenling 17.0 tatoosh 090112 thumb Greenling tail 17.0 tatoosh 090112 thumb Upgrade by an inch Show
Coho thumbCoho 25.75
(154.5 pts)
August 29, 2012 Inwithlimit thumb Coho gg 082912 thumb Coho gg tail 082912 thumb Met FishBite on way back in. 3 knots deep-six, flasher cookies and cream spoon about 1 mile nw of GG. Show
Cutthroat thumbCutthroat Trout 15.5
(131.75 pts)
August 15, 2012 Cutthroat trout lk ketchalus 081512 thumb Cutthroat trout tail lk ketchalus 081512 thumb  Lake Ketchalus with Mountains2sound, many larger Dolly Varden trout CR Show
King thumbChinook 32.0
(160.0 pts)
August 08, 2012 King onboard 32.0 080812 thumb King 32.0 080812 thumb King tail 32.0 080812 thumb King upgrade over yesterday's fish. With Maverick at WP MA10, candlefish in 140' bouncing. What a year so far! Show
King thumbChinook 25.5
(127.5 pts)
August 07, 2012 King 25.5 ma10 080712 thumb King salmon 25.5 ma10 080712 thumb King tail 25.5 ma10 080712 thumb King me! MA10 240' 25' cookies and cream on the DR Show
Trout thumbRainbow Trout 20.5
(164.0 pts)
August 04, 2012 Rainbow trout onboard 20.5 lk wash 080412 thumb Rainbow trout 20.5 lake washington 080412 thumb Rainbow trout tail 20.5 lake washington 080412 thumb Who doesn't love Rainbows? Off Madison Beach, Lake Washington 45' deep. Maybe it came to watch the Seafair Airshow. Show
Yellowperch thumbYellow Perch 11.0
(148.5 pts)
July 29, 2012 Crappie 11.0 lk gamblin id 072912 thumb Crappie 11.0 tail lk gamblin id 072912 thumb  Because everyone needs a bit of Crap pie Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass 13.75
(137.5 pts)
July 26, 2012 Sm bass 13.5 lk po id 072612 thumb Sm bass lk po 13.75 072612 thumb Sm bass lk po id 13.75 tail 072612 thumb Garfield Bay, Idaho Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 16.0
(176.0 pts)
July 15, 2012 Greenling 16 nb 071512 thumb Greenling tail 16 nb 071512 thumb  Neah Bay, Wadda Island Show
